Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fyodor Dostoevsky - Demons

Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy; only because of that. It's everything, everything!

Everything is good, everything.

For all those who know that everything is good. If they knew it was good with them, it would be good with them, but as long as they don't know it's good with them, it will not be good with them. That's the whole thought, the whole, there isn't any more!

I pray to everything. See, there's a spider crawling on the wall, I look and am thankful to it for crawling.

My friend, the real truth is always implausible, did you know that?

Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not mad, by God, I'm not mad!

Ces gens-la supposent la nature ete la societe humaine autre que Dieu ne les a faites et u'elles ne sont reellement.

These people imagine that nature and human society are otherwise than God made them and than they actually are.

If you want to overcome the world, overcome yourself.

I am a whimsical child with all the egoism of a child, but none of the innocence.

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